Preparing for worship

Worship is at the heart of all we do as Christians.  Whether as a worship leader or local preacher, or as a church steward responsible for a local arrangement in your church, we seek to do the best we can as we lead the people of God in worship.  This booklet offers a framework to help you, particularly if you’re just starting out leading worship.

worship-foundations-bookletWorship: Foundations - an introduction to preparing and leading worship in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES (Pdf)

Also available is a Worship Planning sheet, which you can use to collect your ideas for planning worship, based on the framework described in the booklet. 

Worship planning sheet (Word)





welsh-flagIf you are preparing to lead worship in the Welsh language, you may find our Welsh translations index helpful. Prepared by members of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Wales, it lists where to find translations of hymns included in Singing the Faith. You can find this on the Finding hymns and songs page and also on the Indexes page, where you will also find other useful worship-planning resources.