Prayers, 23 Oct 2024 17:02:10 +0000Prayer of the Palestinian Women of Jerusalem<p data-block-key="zkt51">Let us walk with you in the way of the cross, O Christ, faithfully enduring its demands, constantly sharing its message and daily revealing its love. Amen.</p><p data-block-key="726jc"></p>UnknownFri, 08 Mar 2024 15:42:00 +0000 Prayer in Manx Gaelic – with translation<p data-block-key="ef9f4">Chiarn t’ou gobbraghey dy kinjagh ga nagh nodmayd fakin eh, ec traaghyn doillee kyndagh rish fuillaghtagh as guin, t’ou shooyl faggys dooin. T’ou nyn soilshey ayns ny traaghyn s’dorree; nyn dreisht tra ta dagh ooilley red caillt as nyn niart tra ta shin tuittym. Cooin lhien dy hreishteil ayns dty chummey as dy akin dty hashtaghyn ayndoosyn mygeayrt y mooin. Amen.</p><p data-block-key="frsb">Lord, you are always working even though we might not see it, in difficult times of suffering and pain, walking next to us. You are the light in the darkest of times; the hope when all is lost and the strength when we fall. Help us to trust in your plan and see your treasures in those around us. Amen.</p><p data-block-key="dds6f">Amen. </p>Ealish Ayres, 3Gen, Isle of ManFri, 08 Mar 2024 15:40:00 +0000 for all life<p data-block-key="0vi1g">Loving God who created all that lives, from the tiniest amoeba to the greatest of whales, which fill us with wonder and awe. We recognise your amazing ability to create out of what seems to be an impossibility, yet, we believe that all things are possible with you and we are grateful for your loving care.</p><p data-block-key="1sm13">Creator God, we believe that you created us, and that in each of us is something of a seed, an essence from you, a potential to grow and to influence others. May our seed have positive conditions for growth and become an influence for good in the world, helping to care for people in need and preserving life in all its forms.</p>Hilary Evans, former President, Methodist Women in Britain, 2021/2022Mon, 15 Jan 2024 14:07:00 +0000 in our hearts<p data-block-key="ngv9a">Lord Jesus Christ, Wisdom and Word of God, dwell in our hearts, we pray, by your most Holy Spirit, that out of the abundance of our hearts, our mouths may speak your praise. Amen.</p>Christina Rossetti (1830–1894)Mon, 15 Jan 2024 14:08:00 +0000 for courage<p data-block-key="dhyml">Come, O courage of God to sustain us. Come, O strength of God to protect us. Come, O holiness of God to purify us. Come, O love of God to transform us. Amen.</p>Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380-1471)Mon, 05 Feb 2024 16:14:00 +0000 Prayer for LGBT+ History Month<p data-block-key="ae9qj">Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.</p><p data-block-key="a0trh">We praise you creator God for creating all in your image, an image of pure love.</p><p data-block-key="5tqiv">God of love, we pray for your forgiveness where we have fallen short of your call to mirror your love to others.</p><p data-block-key="63fkl">God of Love, as we prepare to celebrate LGBT History Month we hold before you those who bear the scars of rejection, isolation, and feelings of unworthiness.</p><p data-block-key="bsaqt">We pray for your healing touch.</p><p data-block-key="9btjm">God of Love, we give thanks for all the work undertaken in “God, in love unites us.” We give thanks for the courage of those from the LGBT community who have shared their stories, their lives, and their ministries within the Church.</p><p data-block-key="32j3u">We give thanks for those who have been open to change as the Church took the journey of discovery, culminating in the decision to be fully inclusive. We give you thanks for the grace shown by all.</p><p data-block-key="bs8ho">God of love, we pray for the continuing work of the Church as we encourage all to fully embrace the diversity of our siblings.</p><p data-block-key="8b6a2">God of all</p><p data-block-key="d3s2p">God for all</p><p data-block-key="dh6rn">God within all,</p><p data-block-key="evhhf">We praise you.</p><p data-block-key="fmmul">Amen</p><p data-block-key="5r9cg">LGBT+ History Month</p>Pam Gold, coordinator for the Methodist LGBT+ Solidarity Circle.Thu, 07 Mar 2024 10:13:00 +0000 additional prayer for Covenant Sunday<p data-block-key="c3gcg">Unchanging God, as we turn the page from one year to another, we are so grateful for your steadfast faithfulness.  Through this last year, we have seen glimmers of your love and hopefulness in the midst of dark, painful and challenging times: new treasures once hidden, but now wonderfully revealed.</p><p data-block-key="892a8">Nevertheless, we are conscious of the times<br/>  when we broke our promises to you,<br/>  when we relied on our own resources rather than drawing from the deep wells of your grace and strength,<br/>  when we expected more of ourselves than you demand of us,<br/>  when we missed the signs of your presence or<br/>  when we failed to notice your offers of light and comfort. </p><p data-block-key="d2c3a">We are sorry and ask you to forgive us.</p><p data-block-key="1uhvq">And now, as this new year begins, we welcome the opportunity to renew our covenant relationship with you.  May we do so in the confidence that<br/>  you will continue to remain faithful to us,<br/>  your love for us will never be exhausted and<br/>  our ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ.</p><p data-block-key="83b5e">May our renewed relationship deepen our awareness both of your presence and activity, enabling us to discover still more of your precious treasure as this year unfolds. </p><p data-block-key="bgeti">In the name of Christ, Amen</p>The Revd Gill Newton, President of the Conference 2023-24Thu, 07 Mar 2024 11:26:00 +0000 for the marginalised<p data-block-key="cpc1m">O God we come to you<br/>God of the displaced, who created space for all,<br/>God of the refugee, who carved a place for all,<br/>God of the poverty-stricken strangled by the cost of living,<br/>God of the marginalised and the ignored,<br/>You are God of the moon and the sun,<br/>the stars and all of creation.<br/>We come to you.</p><p data-block-key="26vfq">When our world loses meaning, O God we come to you.<br/>When our faith becomes institutionalised and we lose our direction, O God we come to you.<br/>When our service through the Church is repetitive and draining, O God we come to depend on you.<br/>When our hope is stifled by our fear of the world’s wars and greed, O God we come and we trust you.<br/>When our vision becomes blurred by the tears of pain, anxiety, lack and loss, Lord God we come to you.<br/>Turn our eyes to see in your ways.<br/>Open our ears to hear your understanding of life.<br/>Breathe your hopefulness into our hearts, so that our hands and feet and heads may think and act only for you, as you help us to come to you. Amen.</p>Jongikaya Zihle, District Chair, London DistrictFri, 08 Mar 2024 11:44:00 +0000 are yours, O God<p data-block-key="dc25q">We are yours, O God, for you have made us and loved us. We are yours, O God, for you have saved us and called us. Being yours, O God, let us eternally rejoice your presence. </p>Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:51:02 +0000 for clarity<p data-block-key="ng9fv">Gracious God, in Jesus we see your image, in all its wonder and beauty, majesty and splendour. In ourselves and in each other we reflect your image and mirror your glory, like an image in a reflecting pool.<br/>But too often we distort your image in us. We do not see you in the wonder of the people all around us or your creation. We are blinded to the treasure within us and about us. When we do not see your glory or do not celebrate the treasure of your generous love in the wonder of our neighbours and the delight of your creation, have mercy we pray.<br/>And help us to see.<br/>Help us to mirror your glory.<br/>Help us to treasure the gifts and graces you lavish on us and on all creation.<br/>Help us to see you in refugees, migrants and displaced people, as we see you when we look in the mirror, or in the still, calm waters.<br/>And help us to be thankful. Amen. </p>David Hinchliffe, District Chair, South East DistrictFri, 08 Mar 2024 12:04:31 +0000 rejoice in Christ's glory<p data-block-key="iotk0">With all the citizens of earth, O Christ, we rejoice in the glory of your divinity. With all the citizens of heaven, O Christ, we rejoice in the glory of your humanity.</p>Ephrem the Syrian (306-373)Fri, 08 Mar 2024 12:06:00 +0000 for wisdom to discern signs of God's kingdom<p data-block-key="6gmqw">God the Holy Spirit, through the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us that the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. Strengthen and deepen our commitment to revealing your kingdom through our lives and by our prayers. Grant us, we pray, wisdom to discern signs of your kingdom in the world around us, wherever grace, mercy and truth are present. Enable us to discover, even in unexpected places, the beauty of holiness revealed in personal acts of compassion and sacrifice. Empower all people of goodwill to work towards establishing social structures and relationships that embody justice and peace. Through the faithful endeavour of us and all your people, may your kingdom come your will be done. Amen. </p>David Chapman, District Chair, Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire DistrictFri, 08 Mar 2024 12:11:34 +0000