What if it’s not ordination?
You may have got this far on the website and have decided that God is not calling you to ordained ministry. That’s good if thinking about these things has made you more confident in your call to serve as a layperson in your church and community.
Alternatively, you may discover that God is not calling you to ordained ministry after going through the process of candidating for ordained ministry. That process is intended to be a period of mutual discernment, in which you explore your call with people at circuit, district and connexional level. Throughout the process we are seeking prayerfully to discern God’s will for you and for the Church. At each of the stages of candidating the people you meet will want to encourage you to find your vocation and also to explore with you and test whether that vocation is to ordained ministry in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES.
Offering for ordination and not having that offer accepted can be a bruising experience and it might take some time to come to terms with the decision and to decide what your next step should be. Our prayer is that together we may discern, through our processes during this period, the manner in which you may respond to God's calling in your life and within the life of the Church.
He did not say "You shall not be tempest-tossed, you shall not be work-weary, you shall not be discomforted". But he did say "You shall not be overcome"
Julian of Norwich, 1373Every Christian has a special calling from God – why not join us in the adventure of finding out yours?
God of power and grace,
may the boldness of your Spirit transform us,
the gentleness of your Spirit lead us,
the gifts of your Spirit equip us,
to serve you in the church and the world
now and always.
What is it like not to have your offer accepted? This happened to Hannah D when she candidated for Methodist diaconal ministry,. In this video she speaks candidly about her experience and describes how she was able to move forward positively.