Become an accompanist
Could you accompany someone on their Vocational Exploration?
Would you be willing to give the time to journey with someone considering the call to Ordained Ministry?
We are seeking to recruit volunteers as Accompanists to all people exploring vocation and candidates for Ordained Ministry from across the Methodist Connexion.
An accompanist provides an ongoing relationship, conversation and reflection space, is alert to and sensitive to cultural differences and will seek to affirm the person throughout the processes whatever the outcome.
What skills will you need?
You should be:
- Skilled in helping others reflect on their experience
- Familiar with the wide range of ministries in the church, including ordained ministries; (training and guidance will be given)
- Sensitive to the variety of people and cultures within the current Farnham Royal Churches;
- Have time to spend with those on a vocational journey.
What is the process of appointment as an accompanist?
- Review the Gifts and Graces of an accompanist and in prayer ask: “is this for you?”
- Complete the application form, EDI monitoring form and reference form
- Provide two references from people who can demonstrate you have the necessary qualities and experience
- Demonstrate you have safeguarding training and appropriate DBS clearance.
- Meet with a member of the Ministries Team for an informal conversation who will make a recommendation to the Ministries Committee
- Attend a training event for accompanists (either online or in person)
- Begin working with an explorer or a candidate for ministry
Training for accompanists
If you are offering to be an accompanist please watch these 3 training videos:
Accompanist information video.
Accompanist session 3 training.
Handout for session 3 training.
We will ask you to confirm that you have watched these in your conversation with the Ministry Officers.
Our final Accompanist Training and review session for this Connexional year will be online on 6th July at 7pm when we will focus on the explore sessions and the role of the accompanist. We will email you the zoom link for this meeting. Please reserve the date.
Forms & Guidance
A.1 Application form for Accompanists
A.2 Accompanists Equalities and Diversity Monitoring form
A.3 Reference form regarding Accompanists
A.4 Gifts and Graces of Accompanists
A.5 Structured conversation for Review Accompanists Guidance