
For children and young people passionate about climate justice!

If you are interested in being part of the Green Agents of Change network and you want to be kept up to date with news and events, ask a parent/carer or leader to email Lynne Norman in the Children, Youth and Family Team.

gwoh-web-bannerGod’s World, Our Home is a resource to help children and young people lead the Church in responding to the climate crisis. There are videos, prayers, challenges, and activities to explore the spiritual, theological, and practical response to the climate crisis. 


cj4a-logoClimate Justice for All was a climate-focused, youth-led, global campaign that sought to mobilise the Methodist family on issues of climate justice in the lead-up to COP26 in 2021.

Have a look at the videos and resources from around the world here


GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES has said it wants to become a 'net zero' carbon emissions church by 2030. You can find out more about this work - called Action for Hope - here.