
What is the Youth Rep Programme?

The Youth Rep Programme is open to young people aged 16-21. Places are limited so there is an application process. Reps work together as a small team of approximately 15 people. You will have a place on the programme for one year. You will meet together for two weekend residentials; one in the winter and one in the summer. You will attend 3Generate and have specific activities to lead as Reps.

You will also have a monthly online meeting and be part of a WhatsApp group that continues the community beyond the meetings. You will receive training, and there are some great opportunities to get more involved, develop skills, have new experiences, grow in faith, meet new people, and see more of the world.

Whilst being a Youth Rep is a commitment, what you will do as a Rep can easily fit around your studies or work, and you will have a lot of fun in this role!

All your expenses as a Youth Rep will be covered, so it doesn’t cost you anything.

What do the Youth Reps do?

The role of the Reps is to hear children’s and young people’s views, opinions and thoughts, on society and the Church, and feed this back to relevant people and meetings within GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES.

This may happen at the 3Generate event, or through other events and meetings. Sometimes Reps attend events and meetings so that they can share a young person’s perspective.

Youth Reps take an active part in the planning of 3Generate and have a key role in keeping people up-to-date with what’s going on through the 3GenReps social media accounts.

Some Reps also attend their local church meetings, or synods in their districts, to promote 3Generate and hear from children and young people. During the residential weekends Youth Reps will be given the opportunity to take part in consultations, training and leading times of worship for each other.

What kind of people make good Youth Reps?

We’re looking for people who are

  • passionate about representing the voice of young people in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES
  • excited about meeting and interacting with new people
  • wanting to speak out and share your views
  • interested in attending meetings and/or travelling to new places
  • happy to work as part of a team
  • open to exploring the Christian faith
  • more likely to benefit from being on the programme.

What is the application process?

One of the places on the Youth Rep programme is for the Methodist Conference Youth Rep. The process to apply for that role is slightly different, and applications are now closed.

To apply for one of the other places on the Youth Rep Programme, applicants must be aged between 16 and 21 on the 31 October and:

  1. fill in the online application form (closing date is noon on 25 October)
  2. you will then be informed whether you will be offered a place on the Programme*
  3. if successful, you start on the Youth Rep Programme in November/December.

*all places on the Youth Rep programme are offered subject to DBS checks.

We welcome applications from previous Reps but please note, you can only participate in the Youth Rep programme for a maximum of 3 years.

Due to limited places, decisions about who will be offered a place will be based on the answers provided in the application form, which should show how well suited you are for the Rep programme.

Apply to be a part of the Youth Rep Programme here.

Closing date will be noon on 25 October.

Applying for the specific role of Methodist Conference Youth Rep:

Applications for the role of Methodist Conference Youth Rep are now closed for this year.

For this specific role you will need to be 18-21. You can apply when you are 17 but must be 18 by the time Conference starts at the end of June.

To apply:

  1. fill in the online application form for Methodist Conference Youth Rep (closing date Monday 5 August 2024)
  2. attend a discernment conversation/informal interview (Friday 6 September) to make sure that you are right for the role and the role is right for you.
  3. if suitable, you will be put forward for election
  4. the specific information provided on the application form about why you are standing for the role will be made available on the 3Gen App and you will be asked to make a 45-second video of yourself, saying why you want the role and what you would bring to it, this will also be available on the App
  5. children and young people will vote in the election (voting opens at 3Generate in October)
  6. If elected you will then start on the Youth Rep Programme along with the other Reps in November/December.
Click here to see the questions that are on the application form so that you can prepare yourself.
  • Basic contact details (name, date of birth, email etc)
  • Why are you applying for the Youth Rep programme? (max 200 words)
  • What excites you about the Youth Rep programme? (max 150 words)
  • What interests and passions do you bring to the Youth Rep programme? (max 150 words)
  • Give examples that show you are a responsible and reliable person. (max 150 words)
  • Getting the best out of being a Youth Rep requires a time commitment. How will you make time to be committed to the Rep programme? (max 150 words)
  • The Youth Rep programme helps participants to explore their discipleship. Tell us about your faith journey. (max 200 words)
  • How do you hope the Rep programme will change you? (max 150 words)
  • How would you feel about staying away overnight and travelling independently?

Only for those who have been on the Rep programme before:

  • What have you gained from the Rep programme so far? (max 150 words)
  • What will you gain that you haven’t already from an extra year on the programme? Why do you think an extra year will help? (max 150 words)

You will be asked to provide contact information for someone who can write a reference for you – this needs to be either your minister or youth worker.

For applicants aged under 18 you will need to provide contact details for your parent/guardian.