Local Preachers' Secretaries: see the three links below to find forms, guidance, FAQs and more information.
Local Preachers' Secretaries
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Forms & Processes
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Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
FAQs for Local Preachers and Worship Leaders in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Britain
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Meeting Together
As Local Preachers and Worship Leaders, we share in a common task of providing opportunities for people to encounter God. We encourage the people of God to worship and serve, and we encourage each other in our calling. Meeting together is not an option, but an essential part of our shared mission.
As Local Preachers, it's actually our duty too: Standing Order 563(3)(i) requires us to attend the Local Preachers' Meeting unless unable to for good reason.
Although the term "Local Preachers' Meeting" is used on this website (it's the official term in our Standing Orders), we encourage all Local Preachers and Worship Leaders to meet together to:
- Worship together
- Reflect on what God is doing in our area and how we can join in
- Support those in training
- Learn together and develop our skills and understanding
Meeting Well
Is it time to refresh your Local Preachers' Meeting*?
Here's an outline for you to use. It's flexible so you can adapt it for your circuit:
Listening for God - an outline for your next Local Preachers' Meeting
What is the Local Preachers' Meeting anyway? What do we need to do, and what are the possibilities to do things differently?
Here is a summary, with some suggestions about how we might make the most of the time we spend together:
Meeting Well: Guidelines for Local Preachers' Meetings
Now would be a great time to ask the local preachers and worship leaders in your circuit for their ideas about how you meet in future. Here are some ideas what questions you could ask:
Meeting Well: Questions to Ask
*This includes Worship Leaders' and Preachers' Meetings.
Reaffirming our Call - annual service for local preachers
Each year, local preachers are required to attend a service of reaffirmation of their call (Standing Order 563(3)(v)). This can form part of a Local Preachers' Meeting, or can be an opportunity to share with the wider church, perhaps as part of a circuit service.
PDF version of the order of service
Word version of the order of service (can be edited).
PowerPoint slides for the service.
Accountability and Review
Since the 2018 Conference, Local Preachers are required to "review their ministry" every three years. These two Guidance Notes explain what is required of us, and how peer review can become a helpful part of our continuing development as local preachers:
Guidance for Local Preachers' Meetings
Here is a new guide (November 2023) to the role of Local Preachers' Secretary. Of interest to those considering the role, and those who have lots of experience:
The Local Preachers' Secretary - role and responsibilities
Guidelines for the Local Preachers' Meeting. Watch out for a fresh version of this shortly:
Connexional Team Guidelines for the Circuit Local Preachers Meeting
More ideas for Local Preachers' Meetings can be found on the CLPD page.
Our Current Standing Orders can be downloaded here. Information particularly relating to Local Preachers can be found at:
Section 56 - Local Preachers
Section 68 - Worship Leaders
Guidance for Local Arrangements
A Local Arrangement is a service of worship where there is no allocated Minister or Local Preacher available to take responsibility for leading worship. If approached positively and with appropriate support and encouragement, Local Arrangements are an opportunity for building up the congregation and releasing new gifts and creativity for the glory of God.
Guidance for Local Arrangements
Please share this download with anyone in your circuit who is involved with Local Arrangements in their church.
Ask your Local Preachers' Meeting whether there is more you could do to encourage and equip those leading and participating in Local Arrangements around your circuit.