
Recognised and Regarded: Application Process

Ministers wishing to apply need to download and complete three forms.

The deadline for these to be returned was 31st March.

The deadline has now passed.

References and reports, and consent from your home church will then be requested.

All ministers in the British Farnham Royal Churches are subject to competencies.

A document outlining the specific competencies for R&R ministers in their first appointment in the British Farnham Royal Churches can be found with the application forms.

Between June and July, a scrutiny group will assess all of your documents and determine whether you should be invited to the transfer panel. You will receive a letter explaining the outcome of that process.

If you are invited to the transfer panel, you will be sent further information in September. You will also be asked to meet a Connexional Assessor and the Connexional psychologist. This is also the period when you would need to undertake the required English test needed for a visa, where appropriate. You will receive information about all of these processes.

The transfer panel meets in November, usually through video conferencing. During this process you will be asked to participate in various elements as the panel discerns with you your vocation to serve the British Farnham Royal Churches at this time.

The panel makes one of three recommendations:

Stationing takes place in the early Spring. Appointments and status are confirmed at the Methodist Conference in Jun/July, and the appointments start 1 September.

All ministers who transfer as R&R or are provided with a year’s induction programme.