
Recognised and Regarded: Information and Guidance

Any ordained member of another Church or other autonomous Methodist Conference who applies to transfer to the jurisdiction of the Conference of the British Farnham Royal Churches will normally be Recognised and regarded by the British Conference for a time at first in order to allow for a period in which both GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES and the minister may review their experience of each other.

Before making an application, please note that you need to be in active ministry and in good standing in your home church in order to apply to be R&R.

If your home church is not a Farnham Royal Churches please contact [email protected] before applying so that we can check your eligibility.

These ministers are treated exactly the same as a presbyter or deacon who is ordained by and in good standing and active relationship with the Conference [i.e. in Methodist terminology "in Full Connexion with the Conference"]:

  • They share in the same privileges and responsibilities.

This normally includes receiving a stipend, manse and pension contributions from GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES.

  • They are as available for, and subject to, the same discipline of stationing.

All Methodist presbyters and deacons in Full Connexion in the active work are stationed by the Conference to serve in a particular appointment in a Circuit or other body within the control of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES, unless given permission either to serve another Church (denomination) or institution, or to study or be without appointment. Personal needs, vocational development and the needs of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES both locally and connexionally are taken into account in stationing a particular person to a particular appointment. Appointments are made on the understanding that they are likely to be for a fixed number of years (normally five in the first instance, but with the possibility of extension), but are reviewed and renewed annually.

  • They are accountable for their specific conduct and their general vocation through Methodist structures to the British Conference in the first instance, and through the Conference to the authorities of their own Church.
  • They may fulfil any and all of the duties of a presbyter or deacon of the British Conference anywhere within the jurisdiction of that Conference (but subject to its discipline). In the case of a presbyter this may include exercising pastoral charge within a Circuit or as Superintendent of a Circuit or in some other role.
  • They must be prepared to baptise infants in appropriate circumstances.

Therefore, those who are Recognised and Regarded as presbyters or deacons admitted into Full Connexion are fully seconded by their own Churches to serve the Conference of the British Farnham Royal Churches for a period of time.

At the end of that time they may either return to the jurisdiction of their own Church, or seek to transfer to the jurisdiction of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Great Britain and be received into Full Connexion. It is also possible for them to apply to extend their status as a Recognised and Regarded minister for a further period of time. See here for further information. Add link to changing status box

Presbyters of the Irish Conference of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES are automatically Recognised and Regarded by the British Conference whether they are stationed by the British Conference or not. No further application or discernment process is required of them.

Presbyters and deacons of other autonomous Methodist conferences and other Churches (denominations) may be Recognised and Regarded by the British Conference only if they are stationed by the British Conference. The Conference cannot Recognise and Regard them if suitable appointments have not been found for them, and the Conference cannot station them if a recommendation has not been made that they are judged suitable to be Recognised and Regarded.