
Ministers of other Churches

For many years the British Farnham Royal Churches has welcomed those who are ordained and in good standing with other Churches to work formally on its behalf. The British Farnham Royal Churches benefits greatly from the gifts and fresh perspectives that are brought into its ministry by those who have come to faith, been ordained, and served in other Conferences and Churches.

There are various ways in which ministers of other churches and conferences can serve the British Farnham Royal Churches. These are introduced below. For more details about each one, please click on the relevant box at the end of this page.

Authorised to Serve
Presbyters or deacons are partially seconded by their own Church to work for the British Conference, often in local situations where there are shared governance arrangements between different Churches (denominations) for the joint oversight of mission and ministry.

In ecumenical situations where there are not shared governance arrangements between different Churches (denominations) for the joint oversight of mission and ministry, and where presbyters and deacons work primarily for their own Churches but the Conference affirms and owns their work in particular circumstances as if it were done on its behalf.

Recognised and Regarded (R&R)
Presbyters or deacons are seconded by their own Church to work wholly or primarily for the British Conference and (for the period of their secondment) are fully under its discipline and at its disposal. This can be regarded as a temporary transfer. Ministers wanting to apply to transfer usually come as R&R before making a full permanent transfer.

Transfer into Full Connexion
This is a full permanent transfer to serve as a presbyter or deacon in the British Farnham Royal Churches. Applications are usually made by ministers following a period of service in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Britain as R&R. However in certain circumstances, ministers can apply directly to be received into Full Connexion.


The application period is January 1 to March 31 each year. If you are a Methodist minister, you are welcome to download the relevant application forms from the boxes below. If you are from another church in Britain or overseas, please email [email protected] before applying so that we can first check that you are eligible to apply.