
Training for new superintendents

The dates for the 2024 induction programmes are: 

Day 1 and 2 will be a residential at Cliff College 

Days 3,4.5,6,7 and 9 will be zoom only morning sessions 

Day 8 on Line Management will be offered as a hybrid day event - (On site at Cliff College or on zoom). If new superintendents have recently completed the line management training offered by the Learning Network then attendance at this session is not required 

DAY 1:                        22 January 2024 : Called to lead and knowing your strengths 

DAY 2:                        23 January 2024: A deeper understanding of yourself and your new role 

DAY 3:                        4 March 2024: Leadership in a time of transition 

DAY 4:                        16 April 2024: Tools for Leadership 

DAY 5:                        1 May 2024: Keeping it legal 

DAY 6:                        8 July 2024: Complaints and how to handle them well 

DAY 7:                        24 September 2024: Listening for God 

DAY 8:                        13 November 2024: Line Management         

DAY 9:                        9 December 2024: God for all 

Please email
[email protected] for the link to book your place.  


This work has been made possible by generous funding from Benefact Trust