Recent additions to StF+

Recent additions to StF+

All hymns published on Singing the Faith Plus are published on the understanding that they can be used freely by site-users, with any copyright information printed as appropriate. If an author or composer is listed with CCLI, the hymn should be included under regular reporting requirements. To check if an author or composer is registered with CCLI, refer to CCL and MRL Authorised Catalogue Lists. These are available online at:

Mary in the garden grieving

“Mary in the garden grieving” by Stephen Lea New on 27 April 2024 – Mary of Magdala's post-resurrection encounter with Jesus, told in John 20 (esp. vv.11-18) see details 

Lord give me eyes that I may see

“Lord give me eyes that I may see” by Ken Nicholls New on 24 April 2024 – praying for the child-like mind that Jesus commended (Mark 10: 13-16) while also acknowledging human frailty see details

A wedding feast in Galilee

“A wedding feast in Galilee” by Ken Nicholls New on 24 April 2024 – a thoughtful reflection on Jesus’ miracle at a wedding feast in Cana (John 2: 1-12see details

Every fallen sparrow

“Every fallen sparrow” by Andrew Murphy New on 22 March 2024 – an intergenerational hymn based on Jesus' teachings in Matthew 6: 25-30 see details

Wake, O my soul

“Wake, O my soul” by Pat Mayberry New on 17 November 2023 –  God's Spirit in all things see details

Oceans of kindness

“Oceans of kindness” by Alison Richards New on 17 November 2023 – underlying hopefulness in "days full of heartache" see details