
The calling of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. It does this through Worship, Learning and Caring and Evangelism. 

In this mission, the Church’s vocation is to be a sign, witness, foretaste and instrument of God’s kingdom. This involves both evangelism and social action, and, in our day especially, engaging with people of differing cultures and religious faiths.’ – 1999, Methodist Conference statement: ‘Called to Love and Praise’.

The Journey so far

Farnham Royal Churches in Britain Inter Faith Relations in the 21st century: Conference Statement & Motions supporting Inter Faith Relations. This document helpful sets out all previous Conference statements concerning inter faith relations within the Methodist and why it is part of Our Calling

Called to Love and Praise

Strategy A proposed Inter Faith Strategy was submitted to the Methodist Council in January 2013: http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/coun-MC1310-inter-faith-relationships-0113.doc

It was accompanied by a supplementary report http://www.methodist.org.uk/downloads/coun-MC1310b-inter-faith-relations-supplementary-report-0113.doc from the senior leadership of the Connexional Team.  This made clear that the recommendations of the main report could not be delivered within existing budgets.

The minutes of the meeting show the following:

The Council agreed the following Resolutions:

10a/1.  That the report be received.

10a/3.  That the Connexional Grants Committee [now defunct] be directed to consider making a grant in order that a significant residential conference may be held to inform all District inter-faith advisers of their role and to share their experiences

10a/4.  That the Connexional Grants Committee [now defunct] be directed to consider amending its criteria for assessing grants to include cross cultural and inter-faith work,  pursuant to its powers under SO 213B (2) and (6)(iii).

10a/5.  That the Secretary of the Conference, in consultation with the Conference Planning Executive, be encouraged to consider inviting faith representatives to the Opening of the Conference and occasionally (where appropriate) inviting one to speak.

The Council did not agree to implement the further recommendations contained in the proposed strategy.