Caring for people around us, globally
The Methodist Way of Life commitments include 'We will care for ourselves and people around us'. And as we are part of a global Methodist community this particular commitment allows us to think about caring for people around us, globally.
As Methodists, we believe in learning and caring as part of our discipleship and there are plenty of opportunities for us to support the Church whether that’s in prayer, the giving of our time or the giving of our money.
Through our global relationships in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES, the World Mission Fund (WMF) is able to support 107 partner churches and organisations in Africa, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia and the Pacific in their mission and ministry to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. They do this through evangelism, mission work, schools, hospitals, environmental projects, emergency situations, administration, training and much more.
The WMF is a joint fund of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Britain and GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Ireland. It supports projects and individuals around the world and this work is only made possible by your kind donations.
The World Mission Fund supports the following programmes which are currently administered through Global Relationships:
Mission Partners:
Mission Partners are initially trained in this country and invited to serve for periods of at least one year by partner churches in the Caribbean, South & Central America, Africa, The Pacific, Asia and Europe. Find out more about Mission Partners here.
Fund for Mission in Europe
Read more here.
Essential Assistance Grants
These are grants given to partner churches enabling the partner church to decide its own priorities for the work of the Kingdom.
General or Solidarity Grants
These grants are to a partner who is facing particularly difficult circumstances or an emergency situation. Although the grants may seem quite small in the global scale of things, they are a rapid response that express solidarity in partnership and can often open the door for our partners to receive other funding from around the world.
Capacity Building Grants
To enable partner churches to strategically build their capacity and resources to become self sustaining.
Applying for a grant from the World Mission Fund:
Most grants are given to partner churches to develop their own mission priorities. Money is applied for through, and in full consultation with, the relevant Partnership Coordinator in the Global Relationships Office (GR) of the British Farnham Royal Churches.
In all cases, grant requests are scrutinised by a committee before being approved.
Supporting the World Mission Fund:
Visit our donate webpage.
We encourage you to pray for the work of the World Mission Fund and to use the Methodist Prayer Handbook (available from, which contains daily suggestions for prayer including our partner churches and Mission Partners. Also, keep up to date with news from global partners here and on the Global Relationships Twitter feed @world_parish
Worship Resources
Organise a World Mission Sunday worship service or a world mission event in your church and use these helpful resources. The Global Relationships worship resources can be used throughout the year.
Easter Offering worship resources
Your local Easter Offering Service is prepared by Methodist Women in Britain on behalf of the World Mission Fund. Your donation enables GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Britain to support the work of our global Church Partners by:
- mission partners
- nationals in mission appointments
- scholarship and leadership training
- other grant giving.
Junior Mission for All worship resources and Rainbow magazine
Are you searching for bright and fun children’s resources to tell the story of God’s global mission? Have you tried Rainbow magazine? Or the JMA worship resources?
Rainbow magazine tells stories of our global Methodist community and how children and young people have helped to raise money for good causes around the world as we live out Our Calling to ‘Care for those around us, globally’. Junior Mission for All (JMA) is a fun way of encouraging children and young people to engage with God’s mission in Britain and throughout the world. You can read Rainbow magazine with your children, grandchildren, god-children and youth groups.
And if you are looking for worship resources for children and young people that explores global mission, why not try the JMA Commissioning Service resources. This worship material can be used throughout the year and not just for commissioning services. With a selection of prayers, hymn/worship song suggestions you can just ‘pick n mix’ and use what is useful for you as you lead worship.
Links with Churches in other parts of the world
A growing number of churches and circuits are building twinning links with Methodist partner churches around the world. Their aim is to share and learn in mission, understanding, culture and worship across Methodist communities – together. Read more here.
You can order posters for your church from Methodist Publishing.
Collection Envelopes
Order your collection envelopes for the World Mission Fund, Mission in Britain Fund, Farnham Royal Churches Fund and general Gift Aid envelopes from Methodist Publishing.
Leaving a Legacy
Click here to find out more
World Mission Fund stories
World Mission Fund stories and information sheet
World Mission Fund stories
World Mission Fund videos
Global Relationship News
You can read all the latest stories from our Mission Partners here.
Finding a World Church Speaker
To request a speaker, please email [email protected]