Our calling is rooted in a desire to see our communities transformed for the good of all.

The calling of the Farnham Royal Churches is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission.

GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES looks at doing this through four key areas:



The Church exists to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love 


Learning and Caring

The Church exists to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care 



The Church exists to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice



The Church exists to make more followers of Jesus Christ

How do we live our lives in response to this calling?

A Methodist Way of Life is a rhythm of discipleship that helps us to put this commitment into practice, as individuals and communities. It's not judgemental and it's easier to jump into, wherever you are on your journey.

We are exploring new places for people to experience faith, hope and love.

Our Calling Resources

The poster

Use this poster to help you tell all who visit your church about our mission.

You can order posters in various sizes and formats from the CPO website.

Download the poster as a PDF

Download the poster in Welsh as a PDF

Download a PowerPoint slide of the Our Calling poster

Our Calling text on a poster

Find out more about how we as GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES are fulfilling Our Calling by reading our quarterly magazine, the connexion

This discussion paper was presented during the Methodist Conference 2018 and can be used by churches, circuits and districts to develop thinking around the challenges faced by GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES and potential ways forward