Cytûn - Churches Together in Wales
Cytûn is the national body set up in 1990 by the churches following the 1987 Swanwick Declaration.
It unites in pilgrimage those churches in Wales which, acknowledging God's revelation in Christ, confess the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures; and, in obedience to God's will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, commit themselves to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the Church, which is his body, and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world, to the glory of the one God Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
A list of the member churches, agencies, associations of churches, and ecumenical bodies is available here.
For more information, go to the Cytûn website.
The Covenanted Churches in Wales
The Covenant was signed in 1975 and the Commission formed in 1976. The following churches make up the Covenanted Churches:
The Covenanted Baptist churches
The Church in Wales
The Presbyterian Church of Wales
The United Reformed Church
For more information, go to the Covenanted Churches page on the Cytûn website.
Free Church Council of Wales
The principal aim of the Free Church Council of Wales is "the advancement of the Christian religion by the spreading of the knowledge of Jesus Christ through the distinctive doctrine of the Nonconformist Churches in Wales."
For more information, go the the Free Church Council of Wales page on the Cytûn website.
Free Churches Group (FCG)
Some of the churches in Wales are also members of the Free Churches Group. It seeks to express the unity in Christ that is shared by Free Churches in England and Wales by promoting fellowship, shared counsel and working together, where possible, to extend Christ's kingdom in every sphere of society. This is done whilst recognising that each Group Member remains at liberty to fulfil its own distinctive witness and mission.
There is a particular focus on chaplaincy work in Prisons, Healthcare and Education although much wider issues in these areas and other fields are considered.
A list of the member denominations is available here.
For more information, go to the FCG website.