
Conference Reports 2008

The Reports on this page are in Word doc format. To download please right-click and choose 'Open link in new tab' (or similar, depending on your browser)

General Secretary's Report and discussion (2)

MHA (3)

Beckly Trust (4)

Aldersgate Memorial Committee (5)

Board of Management for Methodist Schools (6)

Central Hall, Westminster (7)

Fernley Hartley Trust (8)

Methodist Ministers' Housing Society (9)

Trustees for the Bailiwick of Guernsey (10)

Trustees for Jersey Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (11)

Trustees for Farnham Royal Churches Purposes (12)

Trustees for Methodist Connexional Funds (Registered) (13)

Westminster College Oxford Trust Ltd (14)

NCH (15)

Joint Advisory Committee on the Ethics of Investment (16)

Faith and Order Committee (17)
Section A: Scrutiny and Theological Consultation, including appendix A 'The Missional Nature of Circuit' 
Section B: Specific work presented to the Conference for adoption or reception
Section C: New ways of working

With Integrity and Skill - Confidentiality in GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES (18)

Created in God's Image: Early Human Life (19)

MRDF (20)

Youth Participation Strategy (21)

Methodist Council Consolidated Accounts (22)

Diaconal Order General Report (23)

Trustees for Manx Methodist Purposes (24)

New Room, Bristol (25)

Methodist Ministers' Pension Scheme (26)

Central Finance Board (27)

Stationing Committee (28)

The Covenant Relationship for those who are ordained and in Full Connexion (29)

District Contributions (30)

Youth Conference (31)

Connexional Leadership Team - A Review (32)

The Review of the Conference (33)

Methodist Heritage and Contemporary Mission (34)

Special Resolutions from the 2007 Conference (35)

Conference Arrangements (36)

Team Focus (37)

Connexional Team Report (37a)

Methodist Council (38)

Connexional Team Outline Workplan and Budget for 2008-09 (39)

Epworth Fund Allocations 2008-09 (40)

Methodist Publishing House (41)

Stirring up the Spark of Grace: Connexional Training Strategies (42)

Law and Polity Committee (43)

Amendments to Standing Orders (44)

GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES The Gambia - Progress Towards Autonomy (45)

Joint Implementation Commission (46)

Connexional Allowances Committee (47)

Stationing Review Group (48)

Flexible Retirement: Implementation (49)

Equalities and Diversity (50)

1993 Resolutions on Human Sexuality (51)

Ministers, Presbyters and Deacons: Signalling Vocation, Clarifying Identity (52)

New Resources for "Singing the Faith": Interim Progress Report (53)

Fresh Ways of Working Group (54)

Statistics for Mission 2005-07 (55)

Authorisations (1) (56)

Committee Appointments (57)

Ministerial and Diaconal Oversight (58)

Appointments (59)

Memorials (60)

The Future of Methodist Publishing (61)

District Resolutions: Fairly Traded and Locally Produced Food, Closer Working between GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES and the United Reformed Church, Encouraging Ministerial Vocations (62)

Resourcing Mission Grants Committee (63)

Authorisations (2) (64)

Appreciations (65)

Complaints and Discipline (66)