
The World Methodist Council is an association of the Churches in the Methodist tradition throughout the world, including GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES of Great Britain.

The World Methodist Council promotes unity and seeks to:

  • Deepen fellowship
  • Foster Methodist participation in the ecumenical movement
  • Advance unity of theological and moral standards
  • Suggest priorities in Methodist activity
  • Promote effective use of Methodist resources in the Christian mission
  • Encourage evangelism
  • Promote Christian education
  • Pray for and support needs of persecuted Christians
  • Encourage ministries of justice and peace
  • Study union and reunion proposals which effect Member Churches
  • Sponsor a Minister exchange program
  • Encourage the development of worship and liturgical life in Member Churches
  • Coordinate and support worldwide Methodist publishing interests
  • Through the World Methodist Peace Award, honor individuals/groups who work to bring reconciliation and peace in God's work

The World Methodist Council's Ecumenics and Dialogue Committee is engaged in ecumenical dialogue with the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the world Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Lutheran World Federation. It is also working towards dialogues with the Orthodox Churches and with the Pentecostal Churches.

For more information, go to the WMC website or contact [email protected]