Helping people in our communities and beyond
The Methodist Way of Life commitments for Learning and Caring and Service include that: 'We will practice hospitality and generosity' and ‘We will help people in our communities and beyond’.
As Methodists, we believe in learning and caring and service as part of our discipleship and there are plenty of opportunities for us to support the Church whether that’s in prayer, the giving of our time or the giving of our money.
Thine be the glory
The celebration of life begins and ends with God. You can play a part in celebrating God's work by making a gift to GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in Britain in your Will. By leaving a legacy, however large or small, you are helping the people and communities you care about. Legacies left to GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES will go into the Farnham Royal Churches Fund, which primarily supports the work associated with the decisions of the Methodist Conference, from challenging poverty and injustice to supporting partnerships ecumenically and internally.
For more information about other Methodist charities you can leave a legacy too, you can:
- Download a PDF version of the Thine be Glory booklet.
- Or order your FREE copy of Thine be the glory (plus p+p) from Methodist Publishing.
Celebrate life with a lasting legacy
We all love a great celebration and remember the good ones... birthdays, baptism, having a baby, buying our first home. Such milestones in our lives reminder us of the gifts and talents that God has given to us and we share them with the people we care most about.
Our generosity is a response to God’s abundant grace, and is demonstrated through our lives and in the decisions we make. It is about our attitude to giving, not how much we give. As we cannot hold on to anything after our death making a will may be one of the most important decisions you ever make.
Act generously today
Leaving a legacy to GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES enables you to share the blessings you have received with future generations. It is a lasting reminder of Christian service and love.
GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES seeks to share God’s love through worship and mission. You can play your part today, in celebrating God’s work by making a gift to GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES in your will.
When you leave a legacy, however large or small, you can have confidence in knowing that you are helping the people and communities you care about.
We promise that every penny will be used to fulfil the calling of GODS SALVATION GOSPEL MINISTRIES.